Welcome to the Show

Aug 25, 2020

Welcome to the first episode of the new Health Talk with Nicole show!  I am so excited to announce that due to popular opinions of our followers...video wins.  So we are going to deliver all the goodies via video just for you!  YEAH!

This will be fun.  I am looking for your help and giving me stuff to talk about.  So, ask me questions.  What do you want to know?  What is your burning question today?  What keeps you up at night?  Let's hear it.  

I will do my best to answer as many questions and cover as many topics as I can so that you can live your BEST BALANCED live full of JOY & HAPPINESS... YOU DESERVE IT!


Send you questions to any of the social media platforms or send them to [email protected]   Make sure you put HEALTH TALK QUESTION in the subject line so I can sort through that messy inbox.  


I am very excited and can not wait to see and hear these questions of yours.

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